Wednesday, July 22, 2020

reflecting on blogging

i've been enjoying, so far, this blog. i spent ~20 minutes looking up how to use blogger and do simple things. the way that it still encourages you to include and tinker with a bunch of little bullshits is fun, feels like old myspace/xanga days, which makes sense, since it's a blog.

i've also written 4 or 5 blog posts already that i've 'scheduled' to be posted over the next week. so this blog isn't that exciting in a public way, yet, i'm excited about it. i have already enjoyed the more freeform way i can layout my thoughts and i have enjoyed thinking of more blog post topics. i don't think i'll post 'creative' writing to this blog. i'll continue to use the neutral spaces blog for weird writing ideas i want people to read and submit to websites i like for more finished/edited pieces. maybe this will change. this feels very bloggy, this self-reflective, self-referential, blog-specific blogging. it's nice though.

multiple people have expressed interest to me about blogging as well. feels like a good thing.


  1. Sounds good! Having plenty of content generated. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  2. nice, thank you. i've already written a bunch more. i hope you like it. but it's ok if you don't
